[资讯] 前奥运冠军痛斥美冰邪,公开抵制世界名人堂投票

sunshine 发表于 2012-3-15 18:34:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1948年和1952年冬奥会男子单人滑冠军Dick Button近日致信美冰邪名人堂委员会主席Larry Mondschein,质疑世界名人堂现今的评选制度存在诸多问题,Dick认为现在的评选过程被美冰邪个别势力控制,所谓的评选制度已成空谈。而且投票过程没有透明度更没有公证机构的有力证明。对此DickButton表示将对2012年度的世界名人堂活动的评选进行抵制,并期望该活动的高层能够认真对待他的质疑。

以下是Dick Button公开信的内容:http://kwantifiable.xanga.com/75 ... ating-hall-of-fame/
March 9, 2012

To: Dr Larry Mondschein
Chair of USFSA Hall Of Fame Nominating Committee

Members and Electors of the World Figure Skating Hall of Fame

Dear Larry

Thank you for reminding me today was the deadline for voting in the 2012 election of members of the World Figure Skating Hall of Fame.

I regret to inform you that I will not cast a ballot this year.  This has been a long and painful decision because I am an admirer of the nominees and hope my decision will not affect the outcome.

My reason for abstaining is because I think the World Hall of Fame has lost its independence, its accountability, its transparency and its integrity.

Some reasons      

*    The World Hall Of Fame is operated by the USFSA.  It should be run by an independent organization with no political connections.
*    The WHOF is overseen by a Committee of the USFSA:  appointed by the USFSA and not accountable to the members or other electors of the Hall. That Committee exercises what appears to be unfettered discretion in deciding how the balloting is conducted and whose names are on the ballot.

*     Larry, you have frequently stated "the Nominating Committee thoroughly reviews the credentials of all nominees against published criteria contained within the Nominating Packet, and available for viewing online." That is not true. The Nominating Packet contains no criteria at all.  Instead, it provides a means for a nominator to set forth all the reasons why that person thinks a candidate should be elected. That is NOT "criteria," but it does give the Nominating Committee complete cover for doing whatever it wants to do regardless of qualifications.

*     As for easy access… that Nominating Packet was originally linked on the Hall of Fame website, it is now available only if you know the web address and type it in manually: http://www.worldskatingmuseum.org/WHOF_2012_form.pdf.

*      Larry you have confirmed that written procedures regarding nominations and who gets on the ballot exist and also noted repeatedly that they are not publicly available. There is no reason why the GUIDELINES for decisions by the Nominating Committee have not been provided to the members and other electors of the Hall.  Are the nominators expected to nominate in a vacuum??

*     I have been involved with the Hall long enough (and much longer than all other members of the Nominating Committee, with the exception of Ben Wright) to know that procedures in the past have been remarkably uniform: (A) a person nominated in one year will remain under consideration for the following two years without the need for subsequent nominations, and (B) a candidate who is put on the ballot one year will remain on the ballot for the following 2 years if not elected sooner, subject only to certain clear exceptions which are essentially that:

      a candidate receives too few votes in the first year... or the vote count drops so  significantly over the course of two successive ballots... or newly discovered facts that might disqualify a candidate come to light...

      If this does not present an accurate description of those key procedures, the Nominating Committee can easily clarify what they are by publishing them.

*     All competitors are required to follow publicly reported rules. The procedures for the Hall should reflect the same principle. Those rules should become effective only when the members and other electors of the Hall vote in favor of them; rules that have been effective (even if only by "tradition") should not be changed without their consent by recorded vote.

*      Larry... when you and I worked on the rules for the WHOF we obtained the balloting services of an accredited Accounting Firm. Now the USFSA conducts the balloting. The results of the ballots are NOT reported so there is no accountability to the international community that the Hall is supposed to honor. If the USFSA cannot find a pro bono Accounting firm I will be pleased to pay for such for independent supervision.

*    The USFSA does not follow its own rules. U.S. federal law (the Ted Stevens Olympic and Amateur Sports Act) requires that athletes hold "20 percent of the membership and voting power" of all "committees and entities" of the USFSA. If the Nominating Committee has 6 members, that means at least 2 of its members would have to satisfy the requirements to be an athlete. Unless you, Larry, are an ex officio member and have no vote, two members would have to satisfy the "athlete" requirement as defined by that law (inc the 10 year limitation), but in fact not one of them does.

    *   There is little TRANSPARENCY... 3 candidates who appeared for the first time on the 2011 ballot were removed from the 2012 ballot. One of them, Sonja Bianchetti, had received 48% of the vote last year. None of the reasons for deleting a name (as listed above) apply. By contrast, one of the U.S. candidates on this year's ballot is being voted on for the fourth consecutive year. Discrepancies exist that do not create an aura of integrity.  

*     The plea for transparency and accountability stated in the letter of February 22, 2012 circulated to you and the members/electors of the Hall makes numerous points that deserve a response to us. The failure to do so further demonstrates the lack of transparency and the lack of accountability.

I hope you will consider these matters seriously. The credibility of the World Hall is at stake. If it is not addressed properly with clear procedures of transparency and accountability, the "honor" that the Hall is intended to reflect can very quickly be lost.


Dick Button

CC:        Members, USFSA World Hall of Fame Nominating Committee

                          Brittney Bottoms        Tom Collins        Joan Gruber

                          Ann O'Keefe   

Dick Button是美国1940-1950年代的著名花样滑冰运动员,他曾在1948年-1952年连续5次获得世界锦标赛的冠军。并且两次获得奥运会桂冠(1948,1952)。这位出生于1929年的选手还参加了于1948年在捷克布拉格举行的欧洲花样滑冰锦标赛(当时美,加选手可以参赛),在那次比赛中Dick获得冠军,也让他成为了唯一一位获得过欧锦赛男单冠军的非欧洲人。他同时还是最早完成两周半和后外三周的选手,他独创的旋转姿态也以他们名字命名。

如今的Dick Button

Dick Button1948年冬奥会比赛片段

Dick Button1952年冬奥会比赛片段

风语者 发表于 2012-3-15 20:58:29 | 显示全部楼层
Jun 发表于 2012-3-16 09:06:31 | 显示全部楼层
Dick Button 是上过哈佛法学院的 ...
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