[原声] [恶魔] ~ Artur Gachinski自由滑(11-12)

Juca 发表于 2012-3-18 14:53:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Artur Gachinski(RUS)

2011-2012 FS:The Demon

Choreographer:Tom Dickson


2011年世锦赛铜牌得主、俄罗斯选手Artur Gachinski本赛季的自由滑音乐由多部电影的原声剪辑而成——华氏451,夜访吸血鬼,红色小提琴


编舞Tom Dickson旨在用这样一套节目,讲述一个关于在痛苦中追寻真爱的恶魔最终选择自我了断的故事
Artur Gachinski对这套节目的描述——“It is the story of a demon. The program is titled ‘The Demon.’ The idea is that I am a demon who got caught on earth,” he explained. “I try to find a way out and try to understand what I need to do here on earth. There is agony and in the search I find a girl that I really love. I am torn between taking the girl with me or killing myself and in the end I kill himself.”

Fahrenheit 451 - Prelude

Interview with the vampire - Louis' Revenge

Interview with the vampire - Santiago's Waltz

The Red Violin - Chaconne for Violin and Orchestra

赛季初的Japan Open上的版本,应该是最为接近Dickson原版编排的一个

从立意来看,这套节目显然与Jeremy Abbott 2007/2008的自由滑华尔兹组曲有着异曲同工之妙,只是Artur Gachinski本身在姿态和滑行上都比较不堪入目,既没有能力完整地执行最初的动作设计,又没有足够的理解力去表达编舞的意图;不客气地说,这么一套精心设计的节目,给这样的人滑完全是种浪费
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