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[讨论] Cohen离开Tarasova

gtxys 发表于 2003-12-26 12:42:00 | 显示全部楼层
dy 发表于 2003-12-26 21:28:00 | 显示全部楼层
2003年12月26日09:25  中国体育报   


    本报讯  美国著名选手、女子单人滑世界冠军萨莎·科恩24日宣布,她将请罗宾·瓦格纳担任自己的教练,以便进一步提高竞技水平,为在下一届都灵冬奥会上夺得金牌做准备。
    新教练瓦格纳则表示,除了关颖姗之外,科恩是美国乃至世界最好的女单选手之一,这项工作对她是个挑战。但她相信自己有能力当好科恩的教练,并保证她会有新的起色。 (刘  斌)

唐卡洛 发表于 2003-12-27 17:36:00 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| alexes 发表于 2003-12-28 13:03:00 | 显示全部楼层
[B]"Not Our Sasha"/Article by E. Vyiatzehovskaya [/B]
Tinami Amori翻译自http://www.sport-express.ru/art.shtml?79539
Tarasova parted with Sasha Cohen. The very second this information hit the official USFSA site, all internet forums were filled with speculations. The general tone of comments was: how could an athlete, who made such quantum leap under the supervision of Tarasova in less than two years, leave her coach two weeks before the US Nationals? And she goes where? To the coach of Sarah Hughes, whos obvious under rotated jumps became the talk of SLC Olympics.
It seems like nothing indicated a remote possibility of a break up. Cohen truly shined, and no other word can describe it, during the three GP events, which led many to rightfully predict: here she is, the 8th Olympic Gold Medalist of Tatiana Tarasova the Trainer. Not many thought of Turin games in terms of being 2 years away and hundreds of practices apart.
To be perfectly honest, Tarasova most likely agreed to work with this American skater, after the Worlds 2002 in Nagano, exactly because she saw the potentials of the 揙lympic medalist material?in her. (Once she got her) The process of elimination of Sasha抯 搘eak points?started immediately, from the beginning, where it should start. The whole pre-season practice was devoted to the 損hysical fitness?preparation, and for that purposes the best specialist, who is well known even back in USSR, was invited to come to America.
The results were obvious. Even the biggest skeptics could not deny: Cohen in 2002 and Cohen today are as different as 揹ay and night?
Tatiana was never a great specialist in jumping techniques, but all coaches around them uniformly agreed: if Sasha抯 jumping problem becomes drastic, her coach will immediately seek a professional to fix them in the shortest period of time.
But the problem came up in a different area. Even as early as the beginning of the competition season, when nothing suggested a possibility of malfunction of such winning mechanism, Tarasova mentioned that she never expected how difficult it would be to work with a student whos way of thinking (mentality) would be so different from a Russian student.
First indication of a problem arose just before the Pro-Am event, a rather secondary even from the stand point of the ranks of amateur competitions. Prior to the event Cohen became ill. Tatiana抯 recommendation to skip the competition was met with great opposition from Sasha抯 mother Galina, who for one single moment off the ice does not let Sasha out of her site. It was Galina who insisted that Sasha keeps her commitment to USFSA抯 event.
The results we all know. Cohen skated in Detroit with high temperature, and not just lost, she completely bombed.
During the Grand Prix Finals in Colorado, it was quite obvious that Tarasova is not holding any high hopes or faulty expectations about the possible results. Her pupil has not regained her form and lost for the second time during this season.
The opinion is, that it is exactly at this moment when the difference in mentality came head to head. We all know how quickly the American media can elevate a skater to high heavens, and it is not hard to imagine how high Galina felt the whole season. And what a blow it must have been for her to think about what will happen now when her daughter had two losses in a row.
Most likely, she (Galina), was searching for an explanation. Very probable, that exactly at that moment, the words of 搘ell-wishers?kept hinting that 揟arasova is not God?who can teach Sasha not to fall, and fell on fruitful grounds.
Tarasova, who抯 philosophy for many years was 揳ll must be sacrificed for the greater goal, especially all secondary? truly could not understand how could months and months of hard work be so advertently dumped into the grave by participating in a useless competition, and by such insistent involvement in the decision making process from a person who is very far from professional process of
figuresk8er 发表于 2003-12-28 17:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
在美国教练与运动员的关系更象是雇员与老板的关系,而且家长经常介入。在俄罗斯教练都很受尊重,而且家长和运动员也都采纳他们的意见、建议,不会提出什么异议,因为他们知道教练比他们有经验得多。至于两种做法的好与坏,我想是仁者见仁智者见智,更多的只是一种理念,Katia在My Sergei也提到Zhuk告诉他们在冰场上无论什么时候都要听教练的话。Tarasova毕竟是俄罗斯人,还是更适用于俄罗斯的模式,她不是提到回俄罗斯后,不会再当专职教练,而且不会收“外国弟子”吗?
冰上飞 发表于 2003-12-28 17:20:00 | 显示全部楼层
以下是引用gtxys在2003-12-27 21:55:59的发言:


gtxys 发表于 2003-12-28 18:39:00 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| alexes 发表于 2003-12-28 18:45:00 | 显示全部楼层
以下是引用figuresk8er在2003-12-28 17:00:26的发言:
在美国教练与运动员的关系更象是雇员与老板的关系,而且家长经常介入。在俄罗斯教练都很受尊重,而且家长和运动员也都采纳他们的意见、建议,不会提出什么异议,因为他们知道教练比他们有经验得多。至于两种做法的好与坏,我想是仁者见仁智者见智,更多的只是一种理念,Katia在My Sergei也提到Zhuk告诉他们在冰场上无论什么时候都要听教练的话。Tarasova毕竟是俄罗斯人,还是更适用于俄罗斯的模式,她不是提到回俄罗斯后,不会再当专职教练,而且不会收“外国弟子”吗?

Jonny Weir在接受采访的时候,谈到做节目编排时,开始他有些不喜欢老太太选的音乐,但后来尝试以后,越来越喜欢。但很多时候师徒关系上,欧美选手不一定习惯俄罗斯式的师徒关系。他们一般都会与教练签工作合同。

[此贴子已经被作者于2003-12-28 19:02:54编辑过]

Suzanne 发表于 2003-12-28 21:40:00 | 显示全部楼层
orange 发表于 2004-1-3 15:19:00 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| alexes 发表于 2004-1-3 18:05:00 | 显示全部楼层
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