[原声] [Les Miserables 悲惨世界]~庞清佟健自由滑(13-14) 金妍儿自由滑(12-13)

Juca 发表于 2012-12-22 19:56:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


2012-2013 FS:"Les Miserables" by Claude-Michel Schonberg

Choreographer:David Wilson


《悲惨世界》根据法国作家雨果的同名著作改编,法国作曲家Claude-Michel Schonberg作曲(他也是音乐剧《西贡小姐》的作曲者),Alain Boublil作词(英文版改编:Herbert Kretzmer),在1980年的法国首演之后(英文版1985年首演),迅速成为了世界上最受欢迎的音乐剧之一。

十周年纪念演唱会,ACT 1


金妍儿在2012年NRW Trophy上的节目首演,“音乐选取了其中最具热情和感性的几个片段”


参与人数 2体力 +30 人气 +6 贡献 +6 收起 理由
bingbing + 5 + 1 + 1 !!!
鱼类 + 25 + 5 + 5 精品文章



 楼主| Juca 发表于 2012-12-22 19:57:32 | 显示全部楼层

Les Miserables Complete Symphonic Recording.rar   368.9M


器乐版的话,Tony Britten编曲&Royal Philharmonic Orchestra演奏的组曲则是最被花滑选手和编舞们青睐的一版

Tony Britten & Royal Philharmonic Orchestra - [Miss Saigon & Les Miserables].rar   129M

另一个非常精彩的器乐版,Anthony Inglis指挥Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra演奏

Boublil & Schonberg's Symphonic Pieces.rar   110.8M


参与人数 2体力 +5 人气 +2 贡献 +1 收起 理由
bingbing + 5 + 1 + 1 器乐版过期了,能再传一次吗?谢谢楼主
dudu1984712 + 1 热心解答


 楼主| Juca 发表于 2012-12-22 19:57:49 | 显示全部楼层


Todd Eldredge 1990/1991 FS
At the end of the day—I dreamed a dream—Master of the house—Do you hear the people sing?

Hough & Ladret 1991/1992 FS
Look Down—At the end of the day—I dreamed a dream—Do you hear the people sing?

Nicole Bobek 1992/1993 FS
On my own—Lovely ladies—Do you hear the people sing?

Laetitia Hubert 1993/1994 FS
Building the Barricade—The Final Battle—Lovely ladies—On my own—Do you hear the people sing?

Todd Eldredge 1997/1998 SP
The Final Battle—Master of the house—Do you hear the people sing?

Brittney McConn FS 1997/1998 FS
Look Down—At the end of the day—On my own—Do you hear the people sing?


参与人数 1体力 +5 人气 +1 收起 理由
dudu1984712 + 5 + 1 赞一个!


 楼主| Juca 发表于 2012-12-22 19:58:16 | 显示全部楼层
Pechalat & Bourzat 2005/2006 FD
Epilogue—At the end of the day—First Attack—Epilogue—Do you hear the people sing?(Reprise)

Vise & Trent 2006/2008 FS
Who am I—Look Down—Waltz of Treachery—On my own—The Final Battle—Do you hear the people sing?

Aki Sawada 2007/2008 FS
Look Down—At the end of the day—I dreamed a dream—Do you hear the people sing?

Min-Jung Kwak 2009/2010 FS
Look Down—At the end of the day—I dreamed a dream—On my own—Lovely ladies—Do you hear the people sing?

Moore-Towers & Moscovitch 2010/2011 FS
Look Down—At the end of the day—I dreamed a dream—Waltz of Treachery—Bring Him Home—The Final Battle

Sonia Lafuente 2010/2011 FS
Look Down—Building the Barricade—On my own—Do you hear the people sing?

Tobias & Stagniunas 2010/2011 FD
Who am I—At the end of the day—On my own—One day more!

Cannuscio & Lorello 2011/2012 FD
Look Down—At the end of the day—On my own—Do you hear the people sing?(Reprise)

Jonathan Cassar 2012/2013 SP
Who am I—I dreamed a dream—Bring Him Home

Yuna Kim 2012/2013 FS
Building the Barricade—Who am I—Master of the house—On my own—Red and Black—Do you hear the people sing?(Reprise)

Jeremy Abbott 2012/2013 FS
Bring Him Home


参与人数 1体力 +5 人气 +1 收起 理由
dudu1984712 + 5 + 1 很给力!


 楼主| Juca 发表于 2012-12-22 20:36:29 | 显示全部楼层
不仅是比赛节目,剧中的几个经典唱段在表演场上也常有出现——其中On my own的热门程度明显高于另两大名曲Bring him home和I dreamed a dream

Petr & Janoschak - Bring him home

Paul Wylie - Bring him home

Webster & Kravette - On My Own

Michelle Kwan - On My Own

Kurt Browning - Bring Him Home


看到了抛四周 呵呵、、、  发表于 2013-3-3 21:14


参与人数 1体力 +5 人气 +1 贡献 +1 收起 理由
dudu1984712 + 5 + 1 + 1 感谢发布视频


Сочиpotato 发表于 2012-12-23 19:04:05 | 显示全部楼层
obst 发表于 2012-12-23 19:28:59 | 显示全部楼层
5小羽宙 发表于 2012-12-24 21:26:45 | 显示全部楼层
感谢楼主啊  啊 啊
Beatrix电影控 发表于 2012-12-25 18:40:20 | 显示全部楼层
tayaW 发表于 2012-12-25 21:28:19 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| Juca 发表于 2013-1-8 19:58:27 | 显示全部楼层


这个节目的选段应为:Building the Barricade—Who am I—Master of the house—On my own—Red and Black—Do you hear the people sing?(Reprise)

很高兴DW选用了不少关于学生军的段落,开场是建造街垒的主题(而不是与之相近且被用得更多的Look down),临近结尾的快板是由Red and Black这个唱段衍化而来的(明显能听到前奏和主题旋律)


参与人数 1体力 +5 人气 +1 贡献 +1 收起 理由
dudu1984712 + 5 + 1 + 1 精品文章


dudu1984712 发表于 2013-1-9 00:09:28 | 显示全部楼层
第一段雖然是學生黨音樂,但Yuna貌似說過表現的是男主人公在獄中所受的苦難。第二段Who Am I比較明顯是冉阿讓的主題,Master of the House很短作爲過渡,On My Own不是表現愛潘妮小朋友單戀,而是表現冉阿讓對柯賽特無私的愛(這個旋律冉阿讓臨終也唱過),然后后面兩段音樂合起來表現男主人公的精神本身體現了人類對壓迫的反抗和對自由及愛的追求。這樣解釋節目大體有四段,起承轉合比較清楚,雖然音樂不是完全能對上。



电影版最大的问题难道不是——这帮人演得都不错,只是一开口就破功吗? 电影版应该是奉献了史上最软沙威(看到有人说克劳唱的不是Star而是星语星愿),以及一个十分弱气的安灼拉(身为革命领袖居然比A Hear  详情 回复 发表于 2013-1-9 21:10
我记得她也说过“大部分时间是在扮演苦情弱女子”一类的话(显然是指On my own) 我赞成你关于On my own部分的理解——因为我也是这样理解的,这一段代表的是不求回报的爱,而不单单是“我喜欢的人不喜欢我  详情 回复 发表于 2013-1-9 20:30
我觉得她不是演主人公,是表达主题  发表于 2013-1-9 10:29


参与人数 1人气 +1 收起 理由
Juca + 1 羡慕有电影看的人……TAT


 楼主| Juca 发表于 2013-1-9 20:30:10 | 显示全部楼层
dudu1984712 发表于 2013-1-9 00:09
第一段雖然是學生黨音樂,但Yuna貌似說過 ...

我记得她也说过“大部分时间是在扮演苦情弱女子”一类的话(显然是指On my own)

我赞成你关于On my own部分的理解——因为我也是这样理解的,这一段代表的是不求回报的爱,而不单单是“我喜欢的人不喜欢我”


看了DW这么多节目(快二百个吧),我觉得他在“叙事型”节目(阿拉若山、卡门、美丽人生、日瓦戈医生,等等)的处理上首先考虑的是音乐本身,即乐曲的选取与组合,是否满足“叙事”的特点——起承转合与过渡衔接是否合理流畅(至少要听着顺耳),情绪和节奏上有强弱和起伏,有张有弛有对比,高阶一点还可以搞些前后呼应(阿拉若山)、多条线索交错发展(美丽人生)的技术;故事本身的叙事顺序则是次要的,因为他的剪辑中常出现各种神过渡神衔接(给日瓦戈医生跪了),是无法用“叙事”去解释的,因为那也只是个过渡而已(所以也不必为突然蹦出来的Master of the house纠结,第一我听过原曲,这一句真心剪不下去,第二这就是个衔接啊,是用轻一点的音符引入后面的钢琴让这个过渡不止于很突兀)

或许用电影版的宣传词更适合形容这个节目——Fright, Dream, Hope, Love——奋斗,梦想,希望与爱

To love another person is to see the face of God


如果有起伏有变化就叫乱的话,那我也无话可说——那么剪辑也别搞三段以上的了,否则怎么都是乱  发表于 2013-1-13 12:35
这个节目我觉得压根就没啥主题可言,剪得太乱了。DW只是把音乐拿来用,根本没想什么主题内涵叙事之类的方面,who am I和Yuan各种女性化的动作设计怎么联系都是牵强附会  发表于 2013-1-13 11:29
偶覺得Yuna的Who Am I就夠苦情柔弱的了,如果光是On My Own苦情柔弱還好解釋(雖然那姑娘苦情是苦情,柔弱可說不上),Who Am I的各種手姿就非常女性,實在讓人想破腦袋才能想出來點解釋~~  发表于 2013-1-9 23:06
 楼主| Juca 发表于 2013-1-9 21:10:45 | 显示全部楼层

RE: [悲惨世界] ~ 金妍儿自由滑(12-13)

dudu1984712 发表于 2013-1-9 00:09
第一段雖然是學生黨音樂,但Yuna貌似說過 ...


电影版应该是奉献了史上最软沙威(看到有人说克劳唱的不是Star而是星语星愿),以及一个十分弱气的安灼拉(身为革命领袖居然比A Heart Full of Love的马吕斯还弱气真的没关系么???)



我覺得還好了,至少不比25周年版唱得差多少,畢竟不是專業唱歌的~~舞臺劇效果再好也沒法和電影比啊  发表于 2013-1-9 23:07
 楼主| Juca 发表于 2013-1-9 21:18:38 | 显示全部楼层

“Do You See the People Skate?”
http://platinumskatingedge.wordp ... e-the-people-skate/

Whether by timely coincidence or strategic planning to coincide with the release of the new film version, the skating world has recently seen a resurgence in the use of the Les Miserables score. Les Miserables has been used by each discipline over the past three seasons.

Representing the ladies, Yu Na Kim recently presented a flawless execution of her Les Mis free program at the Korean Figure Skating Championships, proving her technical prowess by opening with a soaring triple lutz-triple toe combination. What really stood out, though, was Kim’s interpretation of the music. Skating in only her second competition of the season, her music was a medley of many of Les Miz’s most familiar themes such as “One Day More” and “On My Own”. The music on its own is evocative of resolution and power, as well as tenderness, all of which the 2010 Olympic champion ably portrayed through her skating, which gave the melodies additional nuance.

Jeremy Abbott also chose to use music from Les Miz for his free program this season. Instead of skating to a bland compilation of themes, he uses a sweeping custom arrangement of  the single song “Bring Him Home.” Although it is not a power ballad compared to the rest of the score, it is no less moving and emotional. Abbott’s interpretation appears very contemplative and introspective. Like the rest of his skating, each time he performs this program it seems as though he genuinely feels the emotion of the music and creates a significant moment on the ice, transient though it may be. Perhaps the best way to describe this program is haunting in its understated reverence.

Another man choosing to skate to “Bring Him Home” this season is Jonathan Cassar. While other current skaters have used Les Miz for their free programs, possibly owing to the scope of the score, Cassar opted to skate a briefer rendition for his short program. His version has a lighter, more unbounded feeling than the rest. Despite the time constraints, it beautifully showcases his signature spread eagles, and makes the viewer wish that he or she too could glide with the same limitless feeling.

Even before the 2012-2013 season, the pairs team of Kirsten Moore-Towers and Dylan Moscovitch (and former dance team of Isabella Cannuscio and Ian Lorello) used Les Miserables arrangements recently. Moore-Towers and Moscovitch bring an explosive style to their version of Les Miz. Opening with a strong triple twist followed by powerful side-by-side jumps, they use the intensity of the music to carry them through a technically demanding program. The dynamic nature of the music also provides the perfect backdrop for their extraordinary lifts. Cannuscio and Lorello’s program is also interesting, as it is the only one that can contain the original lyrics of the music, thanks to ice dance’s lack of sanctions on vocals. Similar to Moore-Towers and Moscovitch they match the energy of the music with their speed, tenacious lifts, and passionate performance.

One line from the stirring ballad “Do You Hear the People Sing?” is “Will you give all you can give?” As the 2012-2013 season moves toward some of the largest competitions of the season with Sochi 2014 ultimately in view, we look forward to seeing the skaters give all they can give, and seeing their hard work pay off.
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