[04-05] 2005年花样滑冰世锦赛女子单人滑资格赛专栏

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无名 发表于 2005-3-16 17:41:00 | 显示全部楼层
唐卡洛 发表于 2005-3-16 17:45:00 | 显示全部楼层
以下是引用无名在2005-3-16 17:41:33的发言: 照这个趋势,关只要不失误,第二个分应该在平均7。5,总分在115吧-119分吧,小卡娅也会有可能在这个区间



冰川 发表于 2005-3-16 17:47:00 | 显示全部楼层
冰帆 发表于 2005-3-16 17:50:00 | 显示全部楼层



冰川 发表于 2005-3-16 17:52:00 | 显示全部楼层
小公主 发表于 2005-3-16 17:53:00 | 显示全部楼层
以下是引用无名在2005-3-16 17:34:24的发言: MIKI的技术分在没有摔倒的情况下还没有超过科恩,看来科恩本次比赛很有戏呀


希望SASHA在接下来会有更好的表现! 虽然预选赛好,但SASHA几乎每次都在最后关头掉下来,真希望这次不会啊.还记得03年赛季SASHA在俄罗斯拿了第一个大奖赛的总冠军,俄罗斯也算得上是她的福地.


现在就看看小关了.我更希望小关有好的表现! 我很想看看她拿第六个世锦赛冠军啊!!


vanice 发表于 2005-3-16 17:55:00 | 显示全部楼层
小公主 发表于 2005-3-16 17:59:00 | 显示全部楼层


Sasha’s goal going into worlds is to attack her programs and to earn a medal.


最爱关颖珊 发表于 2005-3-16 17:59:00 | 显示全部楼层




冰帆 发表于 2005-3-16 18:01:00 | 显示全部楼层


最爱关颖珊 发表于 2005-3-16 18:06:00 | 显示全部楼层


HUN Julia Sebestyen Start 1 Notes Music: Carmen wearing red / music starts with bell tolling and snare drum / 3f is lovely / back to this end of the ice for a 3z that she slid off her edge on the landing on / 3l landed right on beat of music / and the music picks up for her flycam that is nice & centered / popped 3s to a double / sideways layback switching to normal then foot to head / music stops and changes to soft & flowey and a little chor / back to this end of the ice for an airy double lutz / inside out spiral starts the seq / 3t2t in almost the same place as both lutzes / 2a turns into 2t / combo spin is ok as music fades to nothing and then picks up with beat that the sparse crwod is clapping to and into her S frtwrk that somehow isn't lively enough for the music -- mind you it is 10am / and into a flycam spin to end the program and she looks completely wiped out / pb 107.60 /
CAN Joannie Rochette Start 2 Music: Firebird wearing orange with feathers on top shading to purple skirt - much nicer than it sounds and I'm sure we've all seen it / big chord to start and then into fluttery type sound with chor to match / and down towards me for 3t2t2t / back to corner for 3z2t / and some chor with split jumps right on the trill of the music / popped loop to single / and some more 'bird' chor / into 2a / and now the flycam which is slow but right with music / and a pause as music changes a bit and become melodic & flowey and into a 3z / far end of rink for 3f - fell / combo spin is quite good ending in Y and right into her layback / and music is building a little for S spiral seq / now the familiar building music and some great chor to match and I just missed something, a 2a?? / fly cam spin to end and right with music / pb is 113.08
USA Sasha Cohen Start 5 Notes Music: Nutcracker wearing shades of pink / some nice chor to the soft opening music / 3z that was badly flutzed - without cheat sheet it would have been a flip in my book - 2t2t also think the z ws 2fted / 3f2t / 3l under rot fell / flycam is very nice / now I'm caught up / 3z at my end that I swear was a flip - not even into corner to indicate that she was setting up a z / not sure what I saw at the far end of rink - will fill in with tech results / 2a is very nice / and into her layback which again is very good / music is building for her spiral seq / and softens for her 3s and into her O ftwrk that is phrased just right with the music / fly sit spin is good but doesn't last very long / cam to outside edge starts the combo spin that ends with leg in split to front (we all know this pos) / pb is 130.89 / tech has her jumps as - 3z2t2t / 3f2t / 2l / 3f / 3t3s seq / 2a / 3s / and spins & ftwrk were all level 2
CHN Yan Liu Start 6 Notes Music: Happiness by Bao San wearing bright blue - lighter at top shading to darker skirt / very soft piano music and some chor to match violin joins in and music is building a little / 3z2t / now music really builds 3f at far end of rink / back this way for a 3l fell - fully rot though I think / spin that I didn't really see / 3t / pause at boards for strt steps as music changes and has lots of quick drums - steps are ok / music changes and has aaaaaaaaaahhhh's for very short layback spin that I didn't get time to enjoy / 3t2t / 3s / flycam with nice pos - again seemed to have just themin revs / spirals as music builds - nice pos on 1st 2 tried to catch her skate on 3rd but couldnot quite grab it / 2a off axis and step out / into combo spin to end the program / pb 82.59 /
FIN Susanna Poykio Start 7 Notes Music: Romeo & Juliet wearing while on top with light yellow skirt / some nice chor to start and down towards me for 3s with a turnout / music has a fanfare now and a bit of chor / down the ice for 3z hands down 2t / 2l / cam sit Y back cam catch foot
冰川 发表于 2005-3-16 18:21:00 | 显示全部楼层
桃子 发表于 2005-3-16 18:25:00 | 显示全部楼层



冰帆 发表于 2005-3-16 18:26:00 | 显示全部楼层


NameNationTSS =TES + PCS +SSTRPECHINDeduction -StN.
1Sasha COHEN USA113.6458.00 56.647.306.857.
2Miki ANDO JPN110.6457.20 53.446.906.556.806.606.550.00#15
3Elena SOKOLOVA RUS97.5644.40
4Susanna POYKIO FIN94.7645.04 50.726.556.106.256.356.451.00#7
5Joannie ROCHETTE CAN94.6046.32 49.286.405.956.
6Julia SEBESTYEN HUN91.6443.20 49.446.506.
7Annette DYTRT GER89.9845.30 45.685.905.555.805.655.651.00#11
8Idora HEGEL CRO89.3247.80 41.525.354.955.305.255.100.00#16
9Joanne CARTER AUS81.6441.20 41.445.455.
imuimm 发表于 2005-3-16 18:52:00 | 显示全部楼层



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