[05-06] 2006年世界花样滑冰锦标赛女子单人滑资格赛+短节目专栏

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花与爱丽丝 发表于 2006-3-23 08:50:00 | 显示全部楼层
frenchrabbit 发表于 2006-3-23 12:22:00 | 显示全部楼层


yueguang 发表于 2006-3-23 12:27:00 | 显示全部楼层
funny 发表于 2006-3-23 12:27:00 | 显示全部楼层
心潮澎湃 发表于 2006-3-23 12:43:00 | 显示全部楼层


心潮澎湃 发表于 2006-3-23 12:47:00 | 显示全部楼层

Elena SOKOLOVA 受新规则冲击很大,她的旋转是她最弱的一项,在旧规则中旋转并不是很重要, 现在的艺术分都是6点几, 真为她感到遗憾,03年的状态不会是昙花一现吧!


funny 发表于 2006-3-23 13:08:00 | 显示全部楼层

其实刘艳排在格鲁吉亚的Elene GEDEVANISHVILI 前面很正常呀,奥运会的时候刘艳的LP就比她得分要高


DSC 发表于 2006-3-23 13:10:00 | 显示全部楼层

Cohen摔了3flip3salchow,在3toestep out


graceyu5230 发表于 2006-3-23 14:29:00 | 显示全部楼层
鱼类 发表于 2006-3-23 14:32:00 | 显示全部楼层


Pl. Name Nation TSS
SS TR PE CH IN Deduction
1 Fumie SUGURI JPN 113.88 57.80 56.08 7.25 6.75 7.00 7.00 7.05 0.00 #8
2 Kimmie MEISSNER USA 113.84 60.80 53.04 6.75 6.40 6.75 6.65 6.60 0.00 #10
3 Sasha COHEN USA 110.36 53.00 59.36 7.50 7.20 7.40 7.45 7.55 2.00 #12
4 Mira LEUNG CAN 99.06 53.62 45.44 5.80 5.60 5.60 5.70 5.70 0.00 #19
5 Sarah MEIER SUI 98.54 49.10 49.44 6.35 6.05 6.20 6.05 6.25 0.00 #9
6 Yoshie ONDA JPN 93.54 48.82 44.72 5.90 5.30 5.60 5.65 5.50 0.00 #11
7 Susanna POYKIO FIN 92.52 44.60 47.92 6.15 5.70 6.00 6.05 6.05 0.00 #14
8 Viktoria PAVUK HUN 85.24 47.48 37.76 4.95 4.55 4.65 4.70 4.75 0.00 #3
青鸟jerry 发表于 2006-3-23 15:26:00 | 显示全部楼层



非常墙 发表于 2006-3-23 16:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
can't see anything here in the states, those major broadcasting companies are despicable,for profit reasons they just aren't doing anything they're supposed to do.
hu2891601 发表于 2006-3-23 16:02:00 | 显示全部楼层
以下是引用非常墙在2006-3-23 16:00:18的发言:
can't see anything here in the states, those major broadcasting companies are despicable,for profit reasons they just aren't doing anything they're supposed to do.

Hey, i'm in US too!! and I watch it online!! go to ppstream.com you can watch the competition LIVE from there!! they have Ladies SP and OD tomorrow!

非常墙 发表于 2006-3-23 16:04:00 | 显示全部楼层

Kimmie Meissner is a really talented young lady. I do feel very strongly about her future career.Her poise and determination will get her far--very likely the gold medal favorite in 2010.

非常墙 发表于 2006-3-23 16:19:00 | 显示全部楼层

Thank you very much,hu2891601, for recommanding the website.Since I'm really unfamiliar with how those sites function, can you guide me through on how to make the best use of it? What are the steps I should take to be able to view the programs live? Do I need to install their programs? And speaking of watching it live, were you particularly referring to CCTV5?

Thanks again for your help.I'm very eager to see the Chinese athletes compete and am always rooting for everyone of them!

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