[10-11] 2010-2011赛季赛前信息专栏(2L整理已公布的选手选曲情况)

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xxyaszy 发表于 2010-5-10 11:28:28 | 显示全部楼层
Uptoyou 发表于 2010-5-10 21:50:39 | 显示全部楼层
Savchenko and Szolkowy ready for another four years



参与人数 1体力 +5 人气 +1 收起 理由
lilybear + 5 + 1 感谢即时消息


lilybear 发表于 2010-5-10 23:28:41 | 显示全部楼层
Savchenko and Szolkowy ready for another four years
Uptoyou 发表于 2010-5-10 21:50

smilingshine 发表于 2010-5-11 05:09:26 | 显示全部楼层
YYQH 发表于 2010-5-6 23:53




参与人数 1体力 +5 人气 +1 收起 理由
琰小琰 + 5 + 1 阳光姐,小道消息XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD据说普大 ...


散光 发表于 2010-5-11 07:48:53 | 显示全部楼层
SS说下赛季的节目会给大家surprise,会提高技术动作难度,说实话我倒是希望他们真的能有点新意, 看他们滑原声已经有视觉疲劳了,还有那几个托举真是一万年不变。 另外,还要提高难度,估计更别指望他们clean,走路都不稳就要跑。 sigh......反省的不够。。。。
Jiarry 发表于 2010-5-11 08:13:51 | 显示全部楼层
Mao's Choreographers: Lori for LP and TAT for SP
LP: Lori

She wants to do something "slow".


参与人数 3体力 +15 人气 +3 收起 理由
plumluvzhenya + 5 + 1 不知道说啥好了,祝好运小Mao~
fjn219 + 5 + 1 感谢即时消息
散光 + 5 + 1 感谢即时消息


fjn219 发表于 2010-5-11 09:57:20 | 显示全部楼层
something "slow"?
柯钦 发表于 2010-5-11 12:30:23 | 显示全部楼层
沙拉菠萝 发表于 2010-5-11 13:04:20 | 显示全部楼层
2009 U.S. champion Alissa Czisny has announced that she will continue to train at the Detroit Skating Club in Bloomfield Hills, Mich., but now under the tutelage of Yuka Sato, who also coaches two-time reigning U.S. champion Jeremy Abbott

Czisny 转去佐藤有香门下了

Kimmie Meissner, the 2006 World champion and 2007 U.S. champion, has left her most recent training site in Coral Springs, Fla., for Fairfax, Va., where she will be coached by Chris Conte. Conte has worked as a technical consultant for U.S. Olympians Timothy Goebel, Sasha Cohen and Emily Hughes.

DoreenZhou 发表于 2010-5-11 21:29:52 | 显示全部楼层
西溪 发表于 2010-5-11 22:13:41 | 显示全部楼层
celinacao11 发表于 2010-5-13 18:17:32 | 显示全部楼层
TeenのsTeven 发表于 2010-5-14 02:04:29 | 显示全部楼层

On April 29, at the capital’s sports center “Mechta” (Dream), 2009 European champions and World bronze medalists in ice dancing Yana Khokhlova and Sergei Novitski were awarded the “Distinguished Master of Sport” titles. That same day, the athletes told their coaches they’d no longer be skating together – Novitski is wrapping up his elite career due to health issues, whereas Khokhlova will try herself with a new partner.

4月29日,首都体育中心“Mechta”,2009年冰舞欧洲冠军和世界季军Yana Khokhlova和Sergei Novitski被授予“Distinguished Master of Sport”的奖项。同一天,这两位运动员告诉他们的教练他们将不再合作。Novitski由于健康的原因将结束自己杰出的体育生涯,而Khokhlova将试图寻找一个新的搭档。

On April 11, Khokhlova flew out to Detroit to see Igor Shpilband and Marina Zueva, the world’s best coaching duo based on their Olympic results. The skater was in luck – Zueva and Shpilband’s two strongest teams, Tessa Virtue/ Scott Moir and Meryl Davis/ Charlie White, the top medalists at both the Olympics and Worlds, were skating in shows; therefore, the ocahces weren’t too busy in Detroit.

4月11日,Khokhlova来到Detroit找Igor Shpilband和Marina Zueva——基于他们在奥运会上的成绩,他们是世界上最好的冰舞教练。Khokhlova很幸运,由于Zueva和Shpilband最强的两对选手——奥运会和世锦标赛的前两名Tessa Virtue/ Scott Moir和Meryl Davis/ Charlie White正在忙于演出,因此,两位教练在Detroit并不是很忙。

Khokhlova decided to go there largely out of desperation – she had no hope of finding a suitable partner in Moscow, whereas Shpilband and Zueva worked with a Lithuanian skater Deividas Stagniunas. Together with the American Katherine Copely, he represented Lithuania at various international competitions since 2006; at 2009 Europeans, the duo closed out the top ten, being eighth in both Original and Free dances.

Khokhlova决定来到这里,她对这次旅行抱了很高的期望——她在莫斯科没有希望找到一位合适的舞伴,而Shpilband和Zueva与立陶宛选手Deividas Stagniunas合作。 Stagniunas同美国人Katherine Copely组合,从2006年起就开始代表立陶宛参加很多国际比赛。2009年欧锦赛,这对组合进入了前10名,在OD和FD都排名第八。

Last seasons, Lithuanian government refused to grand Copely citizenship (depriving the team of going to the Vancouver Olympics); later, Katherine sustained an injury and decided to end her career. I called Zueva in Detroit before Khokhlova’s trip to the US. Marina confirmed that Shpilband and she agreed to look at Yana with a new partner, and then added, “There is another possibility here – my son Fedor. Even in Vancouver, I’ve been approached by fairly influential people back from the Russian federation to see if I’d be interested in having my son represent Russian in ice dancing. The talk, though, was mainly about a partner for Oksana Domnina. Fedor is a bit tall for Khokhlova.”

上个赛季,立陶宛政府拒绝颁给Copely国籍(因此这对组合没有参加温哥华奥运会);之后,Katherine受到伤病的困扰并决定结束她的职业生涯。我在Khokhlova到美国之前给身在Detroit的Zueva打了个电话,Zueva确定Shpilband和她都同意为Yana寻找一个新舞伴,并补充道“还有一种可能性那就是和我(Zueva)的儿子Fedor组合。就在温哥华的时候,从俄罗斯回来的相当有影响力的人曾问我是否希望让我的儿子代表俄罗斯参加冰舞的比赛。不过,当时这主要是为Oksana Domnina选择新舞伴的。Fedor对Khokhlova来说有点高。”

Zueva’s son Fedor Andreev used to be Canadian junior champion, training with Dick Callaghan, one of America’s best specialists. In 2005, the skater sustained a back injury while attempting to learn the quad; he then decided to quit skating and switched to auto-sport for two years. In 2007, though, he came back to ice. From that time one, Andreev continued to skate in some national events as a single skater. In his free time, he worked quite a lot training ice dancer.

Zueva的儿子Fedor Andreev过去是加拿大的青年冠军,在美国最好的专家之一Dick Callaghan门下训练。2005年,他在试图训练四周跳的时候受到背伤的困扰;他决定放弃滑冰,之后的两年转向赛车运动。2007年,他回到冰场,继续作为男子单人滑选手参加一些国内比赛。空闲时间,他主要从事冰舞选手的训练。

The week Khokhlova spent in Detroit was quite busy. The skater would spend two or three hours a day skating with Stagniunas, and then the same amount of time skating with Andreev. At the end of the week, it turned out Yana couldn’t return to Russia as planned given that all trans-Atlantic flights were canceled due to the Icelandic volcano. Correspondingly, another week emerged for experimenting on the ice. By then, both Shpilband and Zueva realized that Khokhlova and Andreev not only look very natural together, but, despite Fedor’s advanced age of 28, have quite a lot of potential


Khokhlova returned to Moscow to late April, bringing along a DVD with the recordings of her “American” practices with both partners as well we partially ready dances with Andreev – Fedor learned the compulsory “Golden Waltz” in addition to the program fragments that Shpilband has put together to different music. Next, the recordings were shown to the specialists from the Russian figure skating federation, including Olympic champion and the ISU technical committee president Alexander Gorshkov, team consultant Tatiana Tarasova and the two-time ice dance world champion Oleg Ovsiannikov. They all came to a unanimous decision – a possible project of the ice dancing duo Khokhlova/ Andree is worth the effort.

四月底,Khokhlova带着一盘DVD回到莫斯科,DVD上刻录着有她与两位“美国人”训练的视频,以及和Andreev已经部分成型的舞蹈片断——Fedor学习了规定舞“金色华尔兹”和部分节目的片断,Shpilband将这些片断放到一起配上不同的音乐。之后,Khokhlova把这盘录像给俄罗斯冰协的专家看,其中包括奥运会冠军、ISU技术委员会主席Alexander Gorshkov,团队顾问Tatiana Tarasova以及两届冰舞世界冠军Oleg Ovsiannikov。他们一致地认为,Khokhlova/ Andree组合值得一试!

I managed to talk on the phone to Igor Shpilband, who went on a week-long vacation to Florida immediately after Khokhlova left Detroit. “Now it’s up to them”, said Shpilband on the phone. “I think Fedor will need some time to come to a final decision. It’s not up to Marina and me – Fedor is an adult, and we are talking about four years of his life here. As a coach, I look forward to working with this team. No question, I’d love to do it, not least because ice dancing has never seen anything like it before.”

我给Igor Shpilband打了个电话,他在Khokhlova离开Detroit之后马上去了Florida旅游了一个星期。“如今取决于他们。”Shpilband在电话里说“我认为Fedor需要些时间去做最终的决定。这不取决于Zueva和我。Fedor是一个成年人,我们关于他人生的问题已经谈论4年了。作为教练,我希望为这对组合做些事情。毫无疑问,我愿意去做,至少因为过去的冰舞从未见证任何这样的事情(意思是说Shpilband认为Khokhlova和Andree的组合非常合适)。”



参与人数 8体力 +39 人气 +7 贡献 +1 收起 理由
Nadja + 5 + 1 感谢即时消息
凡男森 + 5 + 1 辛苦翻译
Anemone + 5 + 1 谢谢……居然真的这样了。
lilybear + 5 + 1 感谢即时消息
enderstar + 5 囧死啦
yueguang + 4 + 1 辛苦翻译
plumluvzhenya + 5 + 1 + 1 辛苦翻译~
pooool + 5 + 1 帅哥能转冰舞吗?脚下功夫……


pooool 发表于 2010-5-14 03:08:53 | 显示全部楼层
yueguang 发表于 2010-5-14 08:54:07 | 显示全部楼层

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