[表演] 雷鸟参加'Dancing with the Stars'第十季

爱米不变 发表于 2010-5-1 18:40:49 | 显示全部楼层
弱弱的想问 ErinJJ 是新女友吗 ?


参与人数 1体力 +1 收起 理由
olychamp + 1 米公开,but they're best friends


olychamp 发表于 2010-5-4 04:32:54 | 显示全部楼层


INSIDE STORY: Evan Lysacek and Johnny Weir 'At War'


When skating rivals Evan Lysacek and Johnny Weir were battling for a spot on the Olympic podium at the Vancouver Winter Games in February, Weir remarked that showdown would be a great "catfight."

The dust-up intensified this week off the ice as Olympic gold medalist Lysacek, competing on Dancing with the Stars, and Weir, a three-time U.S. Champion, traded slurs and barbs.

"We are at war," Weir told PEOPLE on Thursday. "My claws are out."

引起轩然大波的那句话,反白:Indianapolis Star是个很小的地方媒体,如果不是几个同志网站抓住此话大作文章,根本米啥人会看到这个访问。

The latest round of mudslinging began when Lysacek suggested earlier this week that a lack of talent kept Weir off the cast of the traveling Smucker's Stars on Ice. "They only hire the best of the best to skate," Lysacek told the Indianapolis Star. "A lot of us in the skating world were really disappointed in the way he reacted, basically whining that he wasn't chosen."

Harsh Words Exchanged


The flamboyant Weir claims the show didn't hire him because he didn't fit the tour's "family-friendly" profile – a charge Stars on Ice denies. Weir also went on the attack against Lysacek, calling him a "slore" – an apparent combination of "slut" and "whore" – on the The Wendy Williams Show on Wednesday.

Then on Thursday in New York , where he announced their "war," Weir added, "I've never whined. I wasn't the one who falls dancing and gets a concussion and breaks toes and has hip replacement surgeries. If anyone whines, it's definitely Evan. He's done that his whole career, and I've never said anything about it just because there was no need."

Weir, who is opening the season for Ice Theatre of New York at Chelsea Piers, added, "I have no respect for Evan Lysacek." He is encouraging fans not to vote for his rival on Dancing with the Stars.


But there may a truce on the horizon. In a statement to PEOPLE, Lysacek says he wants to end the feud, even though Weir had said hurtful things. Extending an olive branch, he's calling Weir "an accomplished and talented skater" and wishing him well at his New York show.

"I let my personal feelings cloud my judgment in how I answered a journalist's question about Stars on Ice and Johnny that I should never have answered," says Lysacek. "I should have known better."

ET和US weekly的隐情披露:小雷子打破沉默,说那句话的前因,对方挑衅在前,我已经忍让克制了很久

Dancing's Evan Lysacek Explains His Pointed Comments About Johnny Weir

"Dancing with the Stars" contender Evan Lysacek is clarifying comments he made about fellow pro figure skater Johnny Weir.

"Johnny Weir is an accomplished and talented skater, and I've skated alongside him as part of Team USA for many years," Lysacek tells ET. "Since the Olympics, I've dealt with Johnny's questioning my integrity and sexuality, and I've never spoken out on my own behalf no matter how hurtful those things may have been."

In between his "DWTS" duties, Olympic gold medalist Lysacek also figure skates for Smucker's Stars on Ice -- a tour Weir feels he was excluded from because of its "family friendly" atmosphere.

In response to Weir's lament, Lysacek told the Indianapolis Star earlier this week: "Stars on Ice is really selective of who they hire and they only hire the best of the best to skate. … A lot of us in the skating world were really disappointed in the way he reacted, basically whining that he wasn't chosen."


Now, Lysacek is explaining his comments to ET: "I let my personal feelings cloud my judgment in how I answered a journalist's question about Stars on Ice and Johnny that I should never have answered. I should have known better. Best wishes and congratulations to Johnny as he opens the new season of Ice Theatre of NY and I wish him well in all of his future endeavors."










Will get 8 hrs of sleep tonight. That's what I usually get per week. So excited!


Evan和ErinJJ的关系,目前可以肯定的是:友达以上,恋人XX (……保密)。

Erin说:“Evan Lysacek is my best friend.” 并且暗示她看上了DWTS的一位帅哥,但不是舞伴Max。Evan说:“Erin and I are really close.” 同时表示在DWTS交到了不少“可以成为一生知己”的好朋友。

他说 :I probably talk to them five times a day minimum. 一天至少5通电话~~ 到底素talk to THEM呢还素talk to HER?;)

这周Evan的个人舞是阿根廷探戈!!! 技术和风格上都会和上次的国标探戈有很大不相同。偶觉得这是非常符合他外形和气质的一种舞,超级期待。


本赛季最引人注目的showdown: Evan vs Nicole


接下去选队员,Evan用优先权先选了美丽的ErinJJ ; Nicole选了性感的Pamela阿姨;然后Evan让Anna挑,Anna选了搞笑的胖姐Niecy;黑大哥就自动编入Nicole组。Max哥哥透露,“Evan and Erin,they’re like,the BEST friends!”  



关于Man in the Mirror的由来,原来最早提议人是Vera Wang:

Evan, known for his artistic elegance and speed, skates to Michael Jackson’s 'Man in the Mirror' on the tour. The song was suggested by his close friend and famous fashion designer Vera Wang.
“She said every time it made her cry -- every time she heard 'Man in the Mirror,' so she said, ‘You have to skate to that song. You have to find a way,'" said Evan.
Vera, along with Christian Dior and the late Alexander McQueen, have designed some of Evan’s beautiful costumes.
“Vera is the most recent and the most important to me because she is like family,” Evan said. “She was at the Olympics straight from fashion week in New York. She hopped on a jet and came to Vancouver. She had a new outfit for me at every event this year. She really wanted to make me stand out.”

还有个小秘密:Anna说Evan滑冰的时候喜欢跟着音乐唱歌QT, 不过跳舞的时候不唱,大概要忙着记舞步和数拍子吧?


Anna说:“我差点折断我舞伴的脖子!!!”她对Evan说:“Sorry!”Evan安慰她:“别这么说,这都是我的错,是我愿意尝试那个动作的。我们俩都想进步,想挑战自己的极限,这次也许我们走得太过了…… ”


第9届的星舞冠军,著名主持人Donny Osmond在观看了上周比赛后说,“I think Evan is in perfect position to win this。他有超人的决心和专注,这是赢得比赛最关键的。上赛季此时我也垫底,看后来发生了什么?他比其他选手的日程紧张得多,他是唯一要同时身兼两职的选手。看看还有谁在同时做两份工作?”(Donny环顾四周大笑,他是上赛季唯一同时做两份工作,需要每星期飞来飞去的选手,不过他当时的节目大本营在拉斯韦加斯,和LA不算太远。)


We are dancing Towards the end of the show,but before Group dances. @EvanLysacek been doing great learning his A.Tango and a Group 1 :)

I so want for @EvanLysacek to get a 10! He so deserves it :)


参与人数 10体力 +77 人气 +21 贡献 +3 收起 理由
maruko_221 + 5 + 1 咳嗽咳嗽
竹马青梅 + 2 + 1 evan好样的!
CSD + 10 + 3 + 1 继续扑油菜O~
DSC + 30 + 10 + 1 泥人也有三分土性子,高EQ的雷鸟适时爆一下 ...
Anemone + 5 + 1 一切都好就好~~~
lilybear + 5 + 1 + 1 扶额,都这时候了还起风波。。。
御饼0326 + 5 + 1 第一个30分,恭喜小雷子~
dannann + 5 + 1 给你评分了;)
lxy_1904 + 5 + 1 很期待这周的表演,我又要去YDY视频区狂刷新 ...
ferrari + 5 + 1 Evan好样的,Perfect 30!!!


 楼主| 竹马青梅 发表于 2010-5-4 16:11:27 | 显示全部楼层



参与人数 1体力 +5 人气 +1 收起 理由
olychamp + 5 + 1 :)))))),Evan is safe! 以后发言多码点字儿 ...


Anemone 发表于 2010-5-4 23:27:24 | 显示全部楼层
御饼0326 发表于 2010-5-5 00:21:24 | 显示全部楼层
回复 831# Anemone


    这孩子最近头脑发热,人果然是不能太忙碌 ,吸取教训啊~



参与人数 1体力 +5 人气 +1 收起 理由
olychamp + 5 + 1 偶觉得介叫正当防卫XD,星舞论坛的粉都夸Ev ...


lxy_1904 发表于 2010-5-5 13:26:06 | 显示全部楼层


参与人数 3体力 +15 人气 +3 贡献 +1 收起 理由
olychamp + 5 + 1 + 1 狠狠Mua一下老李,有这期的满分奏木遗憾鸟 ...
御饼0326 + 5 + 1 多谢!头像是我中意的老杰克啊~~
竹马青梅 + 5 + 1 无比感谢~~~


 楼主| 竹马青梅 发表于 2010-5-5 14:11:09 | 显示全部楼层


参与人数 1体力 +2 收起 理由
lxy_1904 + 2 开玩笑,当然留下了


琰小琰 发表于 2010-5-5 19:04:06 | 显示全部楼层


参与人数 2体力 +6 人气 +1 收起 理由
maruko_221 + 5 + 1 正解
olychamp + 1 羽毛好久不见~~


Anemone 发表于 2010-5-5 22:14:49 | 显示全部楼层
回复 832# 御饼0326



参与人数 1体力 +5 人气 +1 收起 理由
olychamp + 5 + 1 大顶针素他父母送他的生日礼物,他在某电视 ...


emilieliu 发表于 2010-5-6 05:40:30 | 显示全部楼层


参与人数 1人气 +1 收起 理由
olychamp + 1 我很赞同 :)


maruko_221 发表于 2010-5-6 09:51:38 | 显示全部楼层


参与人数 1体力 +5 人气 +1 收起 理由
olychamp + 5 + 1 大爷来得早不如来得巧。


olychamp 发表于 2010-5-6 10:02:48 | 显示全部楼层


参与人数 1体力 +5 人气 +1 收起 理由
ferrari + 5 + 1 衷心感谢油菜O!


olychamp 发表于 2010-5-6 10:05:11 | 显示全部楼层
olychamp 发表于 2010-5-6 10:05:52 | 显示全部楼层
"The Comeback Kid won the race to perfection. Evan blew everyone out of the water!"



Carrei Ann:
"Evan Lysacek has the eye of the tiger! It was so sexy, so refined. Just the perfect combination of power and control. That’s so hot, I love it!"

"I knew you were nice on ice, but I had my doubts that you were gonna be good on wood. But, I tell you, I've got a [score] paddle in here that I haven't used yet. I'm gonna dust it off, because that was fantastic."

"You danced like a true alpha male -- strong, powerful, aggressive, determined and sexy, that every girl wants."

姐夫在从现场发回的twitter里激动地说:这绝对是这个赛季最棒的一支舞,如果再不给10分,"Ima kill the judges!"






继一字马和侧手翻后,这个托举再度技惊四座! 可我总想起那首诗:无可奈何花落去,似曾相识燕归来……

Anna骄傲地说:I can't ask for a better partner, he's so amazing!


美女环绕雷队长的ending pose,十分rp


8卦的童鞋们请注意鸟,这次的赛前footage超qt,有Evan搂着Erin的肩膀,Erin把头靠在Evan怀里的镜头,sweet~~~ 虽然他们在公众场合除了素最好的朋友以外什么也木说,其实一切尽在不言中了。




Evan Lysacek’s DWTS Blog: Focus on Fun

May 4, 2010

Hello everyone,

We had quite a show last night! Six couples performed and not one of them disappointed. Some people were buzzing after the show that Len seemed to be in a particularly good mood. Actually, I think all of the judges were happy and it’s because each and every one of us pulled out all the stops with our performances. Niecy and Chad moved so well on the floor — it’s no wonder they got amazing scores. Same for Erin and Nicole and Pam. Everyone was simply amazing and I think the judges rightly took note of that.

I’m not just saying that because Anna and I received our first-ever perfect score. At this point in the competition, we all have connected so well with our pro partners that we are training more efficiently and more purposefully. Anna was on me about every single move with our Argentine tango this week. We worked on the finesse, the lines, the lifts. I just don’t know how to explain it, but last night we just fired on all pistons.

Last week we tried to power through our training. We were never in sync and it showed with our samba performance and the judges’ comments. We were both disappointed, but most of all I was angry with myself. When I started this show I did it for the fun of it. But as the weeks went on, I became preoccupied with the scores, and lost sight of the fact that dancing is supposed to be fun. You get sevens one week and you want eights. Then you get eights and you want nines. Last week Anna and I got our butts kicked with sevens. I walked away feeling like I let my partner down, as well as my fans and the judges.



Like many things in life, it’s the attitude you take into a particular situation or apply to a certain goal that will help you either succeed or fail. So this week I came into it with the attitude of “Hey, if I mess up or forget a step, the most important thing is to focus on the character and flavor of the dance and have fun.” Last night, I had the clarity that I wasn’t going to preoccupy my head with numbers, but that I was going to dance full out and be that character in the tango. I was going to take the lead with Anna and really plunge into the performance. And wow, it worked! I felt GREAT. The icing on the cake was receiving a perfect score. Amazing.

Speaking of cake, a few of us went out to celebrate a couple of cast birthdays. Cheryl’s birthday was Monday (she flashed that beautiful diamond necklace Chad gave her), and Erin’s birthday is today (happy birthday, Erin!). So we went to an intimate dinner. First we all toasted the birthday girls, then we toasted each other. I know I’ve gushed in the past about what a tight group we are — and yes, I’m going to do it again! We are having so much fun together. Tuesday is the worst day of the week for all of us. None of us wants the experience to end — and I don’t just mean that none of us wants to be eliminated. It’s more that we don’t want our group to get smaller.


他说每个星期二都会让他很难过,因为要有一个“家庭成员”离开。上周他已经做好了离开的准备,所以公布结果的时候心情特别平静,"if it's our time, it's our time." 反倒是这周,看到Erin和Pam在bottom 2的时候,他的脸色特别凝重。Pam跳完最后一支舞,Evan是第一个冲上去拥抱她的人。这样一个重情义的好男人,难怪会成为星舞选手里人缘最好的一个。所有离开的选手在预测时都说,“我希望Evan能赢得冠军。” 

I think it’s fair to say that none of us on the cast had any idea of the connections we’d make with each other, as well as the production crew, the hair and makeup staff, the wardrobe department, the security staff. Seriously, on Tuesdays it’s as if a dark cloud is hanging over the studio because we know our experience together is winding down. I hope all of you are having as much fun watching the show each week as we are having putting the show together. It’s an incredible journey and I’m so glad we’re all in it together. –Evan Lysacek



Evan Lysacek says he feels competitive pull

下周Evan的指定舞是Waltz和Cha Cha Cha,祝好运!大家最期待的斗牛舞和狐步舞要留在半决赛了!




还有个我很稀饭的帖子:My favorite things about Evan (我最喜欢Evan的是……) 对喜欢Evan的原因进行了最透彻系统的总结,每个发言都让我深有同感。




Evan加油,油菜O看好你,the BEST is yet to come!!!


参与人数 9体力 +50 人气 +10 贡献 +1 收起 理由
zpfdr + 5 + 1 great~
嘿嘿123 + 5 强排最后一句话
ferrari + 5 + 1 You are the BEST!
CSD + 10 + 3 + 1 真金不怕火炼。。。顺道说下,油菜O也是吶O ...
Anemone + 5 + 1 啥?嫩也要逍遥去也?
黄袍猫 + 5 + 1 啊。。。你也要撤啦,不要啊
lxy_1904 + 5 + 1 油菜也素会发光的金子,哈哈
歆琰霏羽 + 5 + 1 辛苦辛苦
maruko_221 + 5 + 1 黄灿灿的金子


maruko_221 发表于 2010-5-6 10:12:22 | 显示全部楼层



参与人数 1体力 +5 人气 +1 收起 理由
olychamp + 5 + 1 大爷只扒低级滴?XD


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