[讨论] 2009年全美花样滑冰锦标赛Weir讨论专贴

Yvonne 发表于 2009-1-20 22:55:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Weir本届全美的压力依然不小,对手对他的冲击也将大于以往任何一年。除老对手Evan Lysacek外,国内年轻选手如新科GPF冠军Jeremy Abbott,世青赛冠军Adam Rippon均是Weir的劲敌。外加09年世界花样滑冰锦标赛将在美国本土举行,选手们必将奋力为那三张宝贵的世锦赛入场券而努力。





 楼主| Yvonne 发表于 2009-1-21 14:36:50 | 显示全部楼层
全美比赛预测文章http://www.universalsports.com/V ... 3000&ATCLID=3649671

For the last few years, U.S. men’s skating has been, as Johnny Weir put it, the “Evan and Johnny Show.” The two have combined to win the last five U.S. titles -- Lysacek the last two, Weir the three before that -- and they actually finished with the same score in a bizarre episode last year.

But Jeremy Abbott’s surprise win at the Grand Prix final showed the American men are more than just Lysacek and Weir. Much more.

“This year, Evan lost to Ryan Bradley, who was [fifth] last year at our nationals, and I lost to Jeremy Abbott, who was [fourth],” Weir said. “So we’re clearly not the only front-runners in America for this season.”

Besides Abbott and Bradley, there is Adam Rippon, who made a clean sweep of the major junior titles last season: World, U.S. and Grand Prix final. Stephen Carriere was a respectable 10th at his first senior world championships after winning the bronze medal at the 2008 nationals.

Don’t count out Brandon Mroz, either, who was second to Rippon as a junior at nationals and the Grand Prix final last year.

“There are at least 10 [skaters] that could be in the top three and earn a spot on to the world team,” Weir said. “I think for skating fans it’s the most exciting event because you never what’s going to happen, you never know who’s going to pull through and do well. I’m very proud of American skaters because we are so strong at the moment.”

johnnyangel 发表于 2009-1-22 04:44:30 | 显示全部楼层
ice_skating 发表于 2009-1-22 07:22:47 | 显示全部楼层


http://www.usfigureskating.org/l ... /34540/results.html

  Warmup Group
1 Evan Lysacek, DuPage FSC
2 Jeremy Abbott, Broadmoor SC
3 Stephen Carriere, SC of Boston
4 Adam Rippon, SC of New York

  Warmup Group
5 William Brewster, Detroit SC
6 Shaun Rogers, University of Delaware FSC
7 Tommy Steenberg, SC of Northern Virginia
8 Jason Wong, SC of Boston
9 Scott Smith, Salt Lake Figure Skating

  Warmup Group
10 Nicholas LaRoche, All Year FSC
11 Parker Pennington, Winterhurst FSC
12 Jonathan Cassar, Detroit SC
13 Eliot Halverson, Ann Arbor FSC
14 Johnny Weir, SC of New York

  Warmup Group
15 Douglas Razzano, Coyotes SC of Arizona
16 Ryan Bradley, Broadmoor SC
17 Dennis Phan, All Year FSC
18 Brandon Mroz, Broadmoor SC
19 Curran Oi, SC of Boston
 楼主| Yvonne 发表于 2009-1-22 14:26:51 | 显示全部楼层

Resident hopes to strike gold on the ice
(by Michael Lamendola - January 21, 2009)




如果不出国比赛(如远在他乡的俄罗斯、日本、韩国或意大利),Weir每天驾车前往维尼的冰宫体育馆,跟随奥运金牌教练Galina Zmievskaya,奥运冠军Viktor Petrenko,编舞Nina Petrenko训练。上午9点,他已在冰上做热身运动。几小时后,他开始练习长达5分钟的自由滑成套,希望这套节目能帮助他获得2010年冬奥会的参赛资格。本周末在俄亥俄州的克里夫兰,2009年全美花样滑冰锦标赛的竞争将进入白热化。如果Weir能进入前三,那他明年就能在加拿大那个更大的舞台上展示自己。


1994年挪威利勒哈默尔冬奥会期间,媒体对Nancy Kerrigan和Tonya Harding之间的纠葛进行了大肆宣传。Weir就是从那个时候开始爱上了花样滑冰。10岁起,他开始练习轮滑。天气好时,他就在宾州乡间的马路上滑,雨雪天就在地下室里练。他妈妈为他买了双二手冰鞋,家后面那块结了冰的玉米地也成了他的临时冰场。他跳过了一根又一根折了的玉米茎。但Weir从来只会向前看。

不久后他就放弃了马术,全心投入了花样滑冰的训练。Weir举家迁往特拉华州,并在一座冰场附近定居,一座有可能将他塑造为冠军的冰场。1996至1997年间,Weir参加了少年组和青年组的奥林匹克赛。截止2006年,Weir已参加了他人生中最重要的赛事 – 在意大利都灵举行的冬奥会。他说,如果他更加努力,那温哥华的经历与都灵会大不相同。




谈到将来,也就是退役后的生活,Weir说,做教练可能不是他的意向之一。任何一个认识他或是看过他滑冰的人,都知道他热忠于时尚设计。Weir说,是花样滑冰培养了他对时尚的兴趣,因为比赛中运动员要穿着精美的服装。他谈到了人生中经历过的难忘时刻,比如说见Vera Wang。同时他也在这方面做着实践,他不仅为自己设计服装,还为冰舞选手Melissa Gregory,Denis Petukhov,还有女单选手Oksana Baiul设计服装。





 楼主| Yvonne 发表于 2009-1-22 14:41:24 | 显示全部楼层
Blades on Ice 杂志2月刊,有一篇Weir的专访。以下是摘录。

On his problem with CoP:
"My goal when I go out to perform is to do a beautiful picture that can move and excite the audience. It's not necessarily to do mathematics as you're skating around. Math is for boring people."

On compromising art for points:
"I'm very stubborn. It's taken me a while to understand that I have to suck it up and do what they require you to do."

On what he wishes he could bring to competition:
"I wish sometimes I wouldn't be soft. I wish I could have some anger on the ice. When Evan Lysacek comes to the ice he's a great competitor because he comes to the ice angry. That's something I wish I could do."
(有时我西自己不是那么“柔”,我情愿自己在冰上时有“火”。Evan Lysacek的优秀之处就是他带能着把“火”上场。)

But would anger be compatible with his artistic soul?
"No. I think you need to be sensitive to what's around you to be a good artist. It's a give and take. We have different personalities. He's a very tough competitor. I'm more sensitive. On the day of the competition, if I see a bird, I see it as a sign. If I hear a certain song on the radio, it's a sign. I'm very much in the clouds."

On his sometimes eccentric personality:
"Off the ice I'm probably worse than I am in a skating environment. I will have a 15-minute conversation with someone I met in a grocery store about Botox." He laughs. "Actually I believe in Restylane more."

"As brash and open as I may be, there's also a lot of sensitivity that comes with being Johnny Weir. I can have people attack me for anything about me, but when my skating is attacked, I get most upset."

On his relationship with Galina:
"I needed to learn to not relax and rely solely on talent. You need to craft the talent and mold it into something. Galina breaks it down for me every day: 'This is what you have to do and if you don't do it you can go home.'"

"Galina screams the whole way through my performances in practice. It makes me feel good that she's standing right there, watching everything I'm doing. I want to show her the same dedication. When you have someone so strong showing so much passion, you can feel that energy and push yourself to approach the competition the same way that they are."
牛奶河小猫 发表于 2009-1-23 02:12:20 | 显示全部楼层
遥祝大少!!努力登顶!其实上年对于我来说已经是胜利了......[em65] 不过今年的确关键而且形势严峻.........[em65] [em65] [em65] .......anyway,祝愿他保持好心态,咬紧牙拼了!!!
johnnyangel 发表于 2009-1-23 21:44:56 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| Yvonne 发表于 2009-1-23 23:14:15 | 显示全部楼层


Weir接受媒体采访(左边的就是Lynn Rutherford)


 楼主| Yvonne 发表于 2009-1-24 20:55:31 | 显示全部楼层

Place Name TSS
+ SS TR PE CH IN Deduction
- Start
1 Jeremy Abbott, Broadmoor SC 86.40 46.79 39.61 7.93 7.68 8.11 7.89 8.00 0.00 #2
2 Evan Lysacek, DuPage FSC 83.59 45.30 38.29 7.79 7.21 7.93 7.75 7.61 0.00 #1
3 Parker Pennington, Winterhurst FSC 76.17 43.09 33.08 6.54 6.18 6.89 6.61 6.86 0.00 #11
4 Johnny Weir, SC of New York 70.76 33.54 37.22 7.68 7.14 7.43 7.43 7.54 0.00 #14
5 Stephen Carriere, SC of Boston 69.36 36.14 33.22 6.68 6.50 6.50 6.79 6.75 0.00 #3
6 Shaun Rogers, University of Delaware FSC 64.13 35.16 28.97 6.04 5.50 5.86 5.93 5.64 0.00 #6
7 Jason Wong, SC of Boston 63.40 35.34 29.06 5.96 5.57 5.96 5.82 5.75 1.00 #8
8 Adam Rippon, SC of New York 62.22 30.69 31.53 6.46 6.14 6.29 6.32 6.32 0.00 #4
9 William Brewster, Detroit SC 60.23 32.59 27.64 5.57 5.18 5.71 5.61 5.57 0.00 #5
10 Tommy Steenberg, SC of Northern Virginia 59.77 33.70 27.07 5.54 5.25 5.32 5.50 5.46 1.00 #7
11 Nicholas LaRoche, All Year FSC 58.01 31.19 26.82 5.75 4.86 5.46 5.43 5.32 0.00 #10
12 Douglas Razzano, Coyotes SC of Arizona 57.00 31.54 26.46 5.57 5.04 5.14 5.39 5.32 1.00 #15
13 Jonathan Cassar, Detroit SC 55.72 27.22 28.50 5.68 5.46 5.79 5.75 5.82 0.00 #12
14 Eliot Halverson, Ann Arbor FSC 51.09 25.30 26.79 5.29 5.00 5.46 5.50 5.54 1.00 #13
joycehsu 发表于 2009-1-24 21:01:13 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| Yvonne 发表于 2009-1-24 21:07:30 | 显示全部楼层

Place Name TSS
+ SS TR PE CH IN Deduction
- Start
1 Jeremy Abbott, Broadmoor SC 86.40 46.79 39.61 7.93 7.68 8.11 7.89 8.00 0.00 #2
2 Evan Lysacek, DuPage FSC 83.59 45.30 38.29 7.79 7.21 7.93 7.75 7.61 0.00 #1
3 Parker Pennington, Winterhurst FSC 76.17 43.09 33.08 6.54 6.18 6.89 6.61 6.86 0.00 #11
4 Brandon Mroz, Broadmoor SC 74.88 42.91 31.97 6.54 6.29 6.36 6.39 6.39 0.00 #18
5 Ryan Bradley, Broadmoor SC 74.05 39.16 34.89 6.96 6.18 7.57 6.93 7.25 0.00 #16
6 Curran Oi, SC of Boston 72.76 41.87 30.89 6.11 5.93 6.21 6.46 6.18 0.00 #19
7 Johnny Weir, SC of New York 70.76 33.54 37.22 7.68 7.14 7.43 7.43 7.54 0.00 #14
8 Stephen Carriere, SC of Boston 69.36 36.14 33.22 6.68 6.50 6.50 6.79 6.75 0.00 #3
9 Dennis Phan, All Year FSC 69.11 38.86 30.25 6.21 5.75 6.11 6.18 6.00 0.00 #17
10 Shaun Rogers, University of Delaware FSC 64.13 35.16 28.97 6.04 5.50 5.86 5.93 5.64 0.00 #6
11 Jason Wong, SC of Boston 63.40 35.34 29.06 5.96 5.57 5.96 5.82 5.75 1.00 #8
12 Adam Rippon, SC of New York 62.22 30.69 31.53 6.46 6.14 6.29 6.32 6.32 0.00 #4
13 William Brewster, Detroit SC 60.23 32.59 27.64 5.57 5.18 5.71 5.61 5.57 0.00 #5
14 Tommy Steenberg, SC of Northern Virginia 59.77 33.70 27.07 5.54 5.25 5.32 5.50 5.46 1.00 #7
15 Nicholas LaRoche, All Year FSC 58.01 31.19 26.82 5.75 4.86 5.46 5.43 5.32 0.00 #10
16 Douglas Razzano, Coyotes SC of Arizona 57.00 31.54 26.46 5.57 5.04 5.14 5.39 5.32 1.00 #15
17 Jonathan Cassar, Detroit SC 55.72 27.22 28.50 5.68 5.46 5.79 5.75 5.82 0.00 #12
18 Eliot Halverson, Ann Arbor FSC 51.09 25.30 26.79 5.29 5.00 5.46 5.50 5.54 1.00 #13
W Scott Smith, Salt Lake Figure Skating          -

牛奶河小猫 发表于 2009-1-24 21:26:56 | 显示全部楼层
........这什么成绩啊?他又怎么啦........ 实在恐怖........我怀念那个世锦赛第三了.... 难道那个就是顶峰了??
DSC 发表于 2009-1-24 22:15:09 | 显示全部楼层

回复 13# 的帖子

大少3A跳空了。。。因为2A或3A是短节目的规定动作,所以除了1A的低分之外GOE再-3。。。光这个动作至少损失8分以上 不过偶认为即使大少最后没有排到前三,考虑他过去的成绩和这个赛季的GP表现,美冰协还是会送他去LA世锦赛。
Cathy_Y 发表于 2009-1-24 22:24:37 | 显示全部楼层
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