[04-05] 2004年世界花样滑冰大奖赛法国站专栏

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eric2000 发表于 2004-11-26 20:49:00 | 显示全部楼层

根据Lambiel官方主页上的消息,他上个周末去了巴黎看法国站的比赛,见到了他滑冰界的好朋友们,并和…(这里的…指的当然是Carolina咯)去购物,他的fans们希望能看见他和Weir、Joubert、Sandhu等选手们同场竞技,他表示很快就会回到冰场上来,不过需要有点耐心,下个月他会重新参加比赛,具体详情参考原文吧: Stéphane spent the week-end in Paris to watch the Trophée Eric Bompard, meet some of his skater friends and… do some shopping! His fans missed him on the ice though, as they would have loved to see him compete against Johnny Weir, Brian Joubert and Emanuel Sandhu among others. But just a little more patience, he’ll be back very soon!

Everything's going fine at practice, he's got most of the triples as well as the quad toeloop back – it'll take another little while for the axel though. His short program's ready, but he's having some problems remembering the choreography of his long program, because he and Salomé Brunner have had to change it a few times. He's nevertheless very confident and he and Cédric will keep working hard so that he gets back in top shape as soon as possible. He's thus doing lots of condition training at the Fitness Parc Malley and, in order to perform in front of an audience again, he'll skate in a few shows in December:

  • in Frankfurt (Germany) on Dec. 12 at 4pm, at the ARD Gala (part of it will be broadcasted live on ARD)

  • in Villars (Switzerland) on Dec. 27 at 6.30pm

  • in Wichtrach (Switzerland) on Dec. 29, at the "Eishallenfest Gemeinde Münsingen"

And when he's not training, Stéphane doesn't have much time to get bored either. His classes at the university keep him busy, and he even finds time to support some charities like Moi pour Toit, a Swiss association that helps children in Colombia. 10月份的时候,Lambiel去了国际奥委会总部所在地洛桑。 在日内瓦湖边上喂海鸥。

emilieliu 发表于 2004-11-26 21:03:00 | 显示全部楼层
以下是引用NovemberRain在2004-11-26 20:09:01的发言:



他SP的 costume不怎样到是真的。。。

我觉得材料有问题,弄成皮的,但又很光滑,很亮,就像看到很光滑的皮鞋一样,那么光滑一看就觉得没style, 就觉得很假.要是能弄成翻皮的感觉可能会好点.至于颜色嘛这个基本色我觉得没错,但整套下来都这个颜色看起来就不舒服了,要是棕色作为基本色在颜色深浅上有点变化,或者加点其他的暗色,可能会好一点.

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